Join My Team!
This coaching option is designed for people who want to be part of an online team training atmosphere. Think of it like going back to school, but only the subjects you love! This plan includes:
Access to my full catalog of training plans from beginner 5 kilometer to advanced 200+ mile (see full catalog here). Subscribers will be sent their plan of choice, so please do not purchase plan from the catalog. If you are currently using one of Zach’s premade plans, the price will be credited to your subscription.
Access to weekly team meetings (online) where as a group we will address:
Group member question submissions
Important endurance training topics
Topics of interest to group members
Plan adjustment options to better tailor training to schedule
All meetings will be recorded and sent to team members if unable to attend, or interested in reviewing.
Access to online office hours for questions and plan adjustments.
Access to private group forum.
Coming in 2024, guest speakers will be invited to join group meetings. This will be an exclusive presentation and/or Q&A with experts in fields of interest.
Price: $100.00 per 4-week block