Episode 400: Jae Gruenke - The Balanced Runner


Jae Gruenke from The Balanced Runner believes good running form means using your body the way it really works rather than fighting to move it some other way. For this episode we unpack a few topics related to pain free running. They include: Pros/Cons of Feldenkrais Method, how shoe type can impact running form, the role of forward lean, arm "swing", foot strike, and cadence for proper running.

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Find Jae: balancedrunner.com - IG: @the_balanced_runner - YT: youtube.com/@balancedrunner

Zach: zachbitter.com - IG: @zachbitter - X: @zbitter - Substack: zachbitter.substack.com - FB: @zbitterendurance - Strava: Zach Bitter - TikTok: @zachbitter - Threads: @zachbitter

Episode Transcript: