Episode 351: Exogenous Ketones & Performance - Brian McMahon


Brian McMahon works alongside Professor Kieran Clarke, who has been a critical part of exogenous ketone research and formulation. Together with their team at deltaG they have produced 50+ published studies and are part of 20+ ongoing studies. This includes two very recent studies that explored exogenous ketone relationship with increasing natural levels of EPO, as well as increasing circulating dopamine concentration, improving mental alertness, and improving post exercise inflammation in endurance athletes. 

LMNT: drinkLMNT.com/HPO

deltaG: deltagketones.com | IG: @deltag.ketones

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Zach: zachbitter.com IG: @zachbitter Tw: @zbitter FB: @zbitterendurance TikTok: @zachbitter Strava: Zach Bitter

Brian: deltagketones.com IG: @deltag.ketones