Episode 252: Boston Marathon Race Director, Philanthropist, & Endurance Athlete - Dave McGillivray


Dave is the RD of one of the biggest races in the World, the Boston Marathon. He is a philanthropist with numerous endurance feats to his name; including single and multi-day ultramarathons.

Episode Sponsor: Egg Weights – eggweights.com promo: Zach15

Zach’s Training Plans: zachbitter.com/training-plans

Support: patreon.com/HPOpodcast or ko-fi.com/zbhpo

Show updates & links: zachbitter.com IG: @zachbitter Tw: @zbitter FB: @zach.bitter

Find Dave: dmsesports.com/dave-mcgillivray IG: @dmsesports Tw: @DMSESports FB: @DMSESports